Ocean Technology Systems Spectrum Review, Unboxing, & Guardian Comparison - OTS SCUBA Full Face Mask ▶11:37・
Ocean Technology Systems Spectrum Review, Unboxing, & Guardian Comparison - OTS SCUBA Full Face Mask ▶14:22・
Dive into the Deep Dark Ocean in a High-Tech Submersible! ▶1:15・
Ocean Study: 9 Technologies That Are Used To Understand Oceans ▶8:51・
Ocean Study: 9 Technologies That Are Used To Understand Oceans ▶50:17・
OTS Buddy Phone D2 Wireless Diver Communication Overview ▶10:38・
SciFest 2023: Exciting Ocean Technology Through Time ▶2:56・
WATCH This Modern Technology Remove MILLIONS of Plastics From The Ocean ▶1:36・
WATCH This Modern Technology Remove MILLIONS of Plastics From The Ocean ▶5:29・
Learn about Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) ▶13:42・
Journey to the heart of energy - How a marine turbine works ▶6:30・
Ocean Power Technologies - Promotional Video ▶0:08・
NIOT (National Institute of Ocean Technology) activities at a glance ▶1:19・
NIOT (National Institute of Ocean Technology) activities at a glance ▶1:25・
④報告Ⅲ「ブルーエコノミーとしての海洋再生可能エネルギー」平沼光/「ブルーエコノミーの推進に向けて ~海洋温度差発電(OTEC)からのレッスン~」(東京財団政策研究所オンラインシンポジウム) ▶8:17・
④報告Ⅲ「ブルーエコノミーとしての海洋再生可能エネルギー」平沼光/「ブルーエコノミーの推進に向けて ~海洋温度差発電(OTEC)からのレッスン~」(東京財団政策研究所オンラインシンポジウム) ▶3:01・
To create a healthy ocean, it’s critical that 30% of our planet’s lands, waters, and ocean are protected. Blue Ocean Technology leverages the latest *EcoStruxure technologies for an innovative solution that turns aquaculture sludge into valuable fertilizer, minimizing environmental footprint, and preserving our oceans. On *WorldOceansDay, discover the Blue Ocean Technology story: http://spr.ly/6004OsCbO | Schneider Electric ▶2:44・
To create a healthy ocean, it’s critical that 30% of our planet’s lands, waters, and ocean are protected. Blue Ocean Technology leverages the latest *EcoStruxure technologies for an innovative solution that turns aquaculture sludge into valuable fertilizer, minimizing environmental footprint, and preserving our oceans. On *WorldOceansDay, discover the Blue Ocean Technology story: http://spr.ly/6004OsCbO | Schneider Electric ▶4:14・
国際海底探査 日本チーム潜水艦型ロボ公開 ▶3:12・
苦境の造船業界、独自技術で輝き 瀬戸内海発、活況の波「三和ドック」 ▶2:33・
苦境の造船業界、独自技術で輝き 瀬戸内海発、活況の波「三和ドック」 ▶5:25・
The Ocean Cleanup begins cleaning the Great Pacific Garbage Patch ▶2:07・
The Ocean Cleanup begins cleaning the Great Pacific Garbage Patch ▶2:21・
グローバルNo.1になるために!海底ケーブルシステム事業にかける想い [NEC公式] ▶1:22・
グローバルNo.1になるために!海底ケーブルシステム事業にかける想い [NEC公式] ▶8:57・
Ocean Energy - Wave Power Station ▶7:02・
OceanOneK Expedition 2022 ▶4:48・
How the Technology Works - algae to biofuels ▶15:31・
This AI-enabled robotic boat cleans up harbors and rivers to keep plastic trash out of the ocean - Source Asia ▶14:57・
This AI-enabled robotic boat cleans up harbors and rivers to keep plastic trash out of the ocean - Source Asia ▶1:28・
The Ocean Cleanup System 001 Explained | | Cleaning Oceans ▶1:00・
Ocean Energy - Tidal Current Turbine ▶2:24・
How Earth Will Look In 250 million Years ▶9:00・
Technologies for sustainable oceans ▶12:13・
OT-ABS(ブランキング) 自動 ▶1:57・
オーシャンテクノロジー株式会社-Ocean Technology- ▶0:14・
Floating wind turbines: Offshore energy's secret weapon ▶2:51・
Floating wind turbines: Offshore energy's secret weapon ▶6:41・
22 Inventions That Are Saving The Earth ▶1:22:06・
Combining Ocean Exploration Technologies to Understand the Geologist Seamounts | Nautilus Live ▶2:04・
Combining Ocean Exploration Technologies to Understand the Geologist Seamounts | Nautilus Live ▶2:24・
US Genius Technique to Recover Billions $ Ship in Middle of the Sea ▶5:25・
US Genius Technique to Recover Billions $ Ship in Middle of the Sea ▶3:38・
How Waves Could Power A Clean Energy Future ▶5:02・
Dive Underwater with the Maritime Dexterous Manipulation System (MDMS) ▶12:43・
Dive Underwater with the Maritime Dexterous Manipulation System (MDMS) ▶9:48・
Japanese technology unlocking the potential of the ocean [1min.] ▶17:06・
Japanese technology unlocking the potential of the ocean [1min.] ▶5:10・
Tidal Energy ✔ ▶2:01・
How to Turn Sea Water Into Fresh Water Without Pollution | Earth Explained! ▶3:29・
How to Turn Sea Water Into Fresh Water Without Pollution | Earth Explained! ▶47:32・
Living Underwater: How Submarines Work ▶2:26・
National Institute of Ocean Technology’s Samudrayaan | India suits up for deepest dive yet ▶0:54・
National Institute of Ocean Technology’s Samudrayaan | India suits up for deepest dive yet ▶5:38・
How technology like artificial intelligence could help save our oceans ▶0:49・
How technology like artificial intelligence could help save our oceans ▶10:24・
QYSEA Technology | Oceanology International 2024 Exhibitor Highlight ▶0:31・
QYSEA Technology | Oceanology International 2024 Exhibitor Highlight ▶12:23・
The New Technology Inspiring People to Care About the Ocean ▶1:25・
The New Technology Inspiring People to Care About the Ocean ▶1:27:44・
How Seawater Desalination Works ▶3:56・
Ocean Encounters: Robots ▶6:26・
Into the Abyss: Cutting-Edge Inventions in Deep Sea Exploration Technologies of 2024 ▶4:07・
Into the Abyss: Cutting-Edge Inventions in Deep Sea Exploration Technologies of 2024 ▶28:31・
5 Incredible Eco-Friendly Innovations To Save The Earth ▶15:02・
The WavePower Mini Model ▶2:38・
Virtual Nova Scotia: Ocean Technology ▶2:52・
NIOT's Drone based Ocean data collections using CTD sensor as payload ▶1:05:40・
NIOT's Drone based Ocean data collections using CTD sensor as payload ▶3:50・
The Quest for Renewable Energy from Our Oceans | Dr. Purnima Jalihal | TEDxNapierBridge ▶8:18・
The Quest for Renewable Energy from Our Oceans | Dr. Purnima Jalihal | TEDxNapierBridge ▶11:35・
5 Technologies Helping Us Explore The Deep Ocean ▶0:59・
What is Deep Ocean Mission| Indepth | Drishti IAS ▶7:12・
Scuba Diver Girls diving with OTS ▶20:32・
Innovating Future: Water Technology ▶7:56・
This Incredible Animation Shows How Deep The Ocean Really Is ▶1:03・
This Incredible Animation Shows How Deep The Ocean Really Is ▶14:24・
Radical Innovations To Singapore's Water Problem | Tomorrow City | Part 3/3 ▶1:53・
Radical Innovations To Singapore's Water Problem | Tomorrow City | Part 3/3 ▶1:39・
2023 Greetings from Ocean Technology! ▶0:37・
Wave power: how it works ▶30:14・
National Institute of Ocean Technology (NIOT) Project Technician Recruitment 2023🔥 ITI New Vacancy 😊 ▶5:19・
National Institute of Ocean Technology (NIOT) Project Technician Recruitment 2023🔥 ITI New Vacancy 😊 ▶0:38・
「4,500倍」圧倒的スピードで海水を真水に変える新発見 東大など【橋本幸治の理系通信】 #Shorts サイエンス 科学 東大 開発 新技術 ▶0:12・
「4,500倍」圧倒的スピードで海水を真水に変える新発見 東大など【橋本幸治の理系通信】 #Shorts サイエンス 科学 東大 開発 新技術 ▶15:19・
Rogue Wave created by Wave Generator ▶0:07・
Dell Technologies + Tourists ▶1:36・
Wave tank demonstration showing the impact of coastal defences on flood risk ▶11:58・
Wave tank demonstration showing the impact of coastal defences on flood risk ▶0:11・
【Hybrid Opto-acoustic Underwater Wireless Communication】ATLA R&D Projects Progress in FY2023 ▶4:49・
【Hybrid Opto-acoustic Underwater Wireless Communication】ATLA R&D Projects Progress in FY2023 ▶1:25・
防衛省 防衛装備庁公式チャンネル(ATLA Official Channel) ▶7:36・
Secrets of the Deep: The Stones Metocean Monitoring Project | Sustainability at Shell ▶2:53・
Secrets of the Deep: The Stones Metocean Monitoring Project | Sustainability at Shell ▶36:54・
How The Internet Travels Across Oceans ▶20:25・
Will Seabins save our oceans? The Seabin Project ▶15:45・
Floating cities as an innovative response to climate change | DW Documentary ▶1:24・
Floating cities as an innovative response to climate change | DW Documentary ▶3:46・
Inside the Extreme Life of Divers Repairing Billion $ Underwater Cables ▶2:51・
Inside the Extreme Life of Divers Repairing Billion $ Underwater Cables ▶10:12・
Applying state-of-the-art technology toward ocean health ▶・
Applying state-of-the-art technology toward ocean health ▶・
MBARI (Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute) ▶・
Enabling a breakthrough in subsea navigation for underwater vehicles ▶・
Enabling a breakthrough in subsea navigation for underwater vehicles ▶・
COP28: Climate Technology and the Role of Ocean on the Path to Net Zero ▶・
COP28: Climate Technology and the Role of Ocean on the Path to Net Zero ▶・
National Institute of Ocean Technology Recruitment 2023 | job for ITI, DIPLOMA, BE/B.Tech, ME/M.Tech ▶・
National Institute of Ocean Technology Recruitment 2023 | job for ITI, DIPLOMA, BE/B.Tech, ME/M.Tech ▶・
These technologies are helping to save our ocean ▶・
How are Underwater Structures Built? ▶・
Amazing Water Turbine Technologies - Hydroelectric power Productions Water Rotatory Energy ▶・
Amazing Water Turbine Technologies - Hydroelectric power Productions Water Rotatory Energy ▶・
RE2 Sapien Sea Class ▶・
SCI NC:Ocean Energy ▶・
Why Is Desalination So Difficult? ▶・
Marine Biologist - Careers in Science and Engineering ▶・
How Does the Panama Canal Work? ▶・
東海大学海洋研究所シンポジウム~海洋ロボティックスの現状と展望・人材育成~ 日本財団 海と日本PROJECT in 静岡県 2022 *14 ▶・
東海大学海洋研究所シンポジウム~海洋ロボティックスの現状と展望・人材育成~ 日本財団 海と日本PROJECT in 静岡県 2022 *14 ▶・
This robot lets pilots touch, feel deep-sea objects without getting wet ▶・
This robot lets pilots touch, feel deep-sea objects without getting wet ▶・
Wave Energy Converter ▶・
日本のスタートアップが世界の海洋資源をテクノロジーで守る:Beyond Sustainability 2021 Day 5 ▶・
日本のスタートアップが世界の海洋資源をテクノロジーで守る:Beyond Sustainability 2021 Day 5 ▶・
Make Electricity With Waves! ▶・
MDMS: Autonomous Underwater Manipulation ▶・
🌊📡 This short reel captures the seamless deployment of our advanced Smart Buoy from the stern of a vessel, showcasing its sleek design and effortless integration into the marine environment. Designed for commercial operations and robust durability, the Smart Buoy is a game-changer for commercial fishers. 🚢💧 👉 Why is this important? Our oceans are demanding environments, and having equipment that can endure these challenges is crucial for sustainable marine operations. ✨ Stay connected for m ▶・
🌊📡 This short reel captures the seamless deployment of our advanced Smart Buoy from the stern of a vessel, showcasing its sleek design and effortless integration into the marine environment. Designed for commercial operations and robust durability, the Smart Buoy is a game-changer for commercial fishers. 🚢💧 👉 Why is this important? Our oceans are demanding environments, and having equipment that can endure these challenges is crucial for sustainable marine operations. ✨ Stay connected for m ▶・
Could Deep-Sea Mining Fix The Global Minerals Shortage? ▶・
Hemisphere GNSS | Oceanology International 2024 Exhibitor Highlight ▶・
Hemisphere GNSS | Oceanology International 2024 Exhibitor Highlight ▶・
地球温暖化による海洋環境の変化をリアルタイムにモニターする小型自動観測ロボット”Argoフロート”を投入! ▶・
地球温暖化による海洋環境の変化をリアルタイムにモニターする小型自動観測ロボット”Argoフロート”を投入! ▶・
Tidal energy could be huge – why isn't it? ▶・
Oceanology International 2024 | Welcome Official Exhibitors ▶・
IAF An-32 : How an Ocean Mineral Explorer unravelled a mystery from the depths of Bay of Bengal? ▶・
IAF An-32 : How an Ocean Mineral Explorer unravelled a mystery from the depths of Bay of Bengal? ▶・
Welcome to the 2023 *OECI technology collaboration cruise! *oceanexploration *nautiluslive *evnautilus *drix *mesobot *daplander *midwater *oceantechnology *marinetechnology *marineengineering *oceanscience *whoi *woodsholeoceanographic *ccomjhc ▶・
Welcome to the 2023 *OECI technology collaboration cruise! *oceanexploration *nautiluslive *evnautilus *drix *mesobot *daplander *midwater *oceantechnology *marinetechnology *marineengineering *oceanscience *whoi *woodsholeoceanographic *ccomjhc ▶・
日本初の装置搭載!給油船【テクノエース】に潜入取材!商船三井テクノトレード ▶・
日本初の装置搭載!給油船【テクノエース】に潜入取材!商船三井テクノトレード ▶・
海ココちゃんねる【C to Seaプロジェクト】 ▶・
New Technology Uses The Ocean As A Power Generator ▶・
Giant Sea Snake Renewable Electricity Generation ▶・
2024 Season's Greetings from Ocean Technology!! ▶・
Ocean Technology and Innovation Series: Panel 2 – Domain Awareness for Ocean Conservation ▶・
Ocean Technology and Innovation Series: Panel 2 – Domain Awareness for Ocean Conservation ▶・
Inside The Navy's Indoor Ocean ▶・
「4,500倍」圧倒的スピードで海水を真水に変える新発見 東大など【橋本幸治の理系通信】(2022年8月5日) ▶・
「4,500倍」圧倒的スピードで海水を真水に変える新発見 東大など【橋本幸治の理系通信】(2022年8月5日) ▶・
Seawater Desalination Process ▶・
National Institute of Ocean Technology Recruitment Notification for Graduates/Diploma Holders ▶・
National Institute of Ocean Technology Recruitment Notification for Graduates/Diploma Holders ▶・
Biomimicry: when technology is inspired by nature | ACCIONA ▶・
Biomimicry: when technology is inspired by nature | ACCIONA ▶・
China's LARGEST $500 Billion Artificial Island in The Middle of The Ocean ▶・
China's LARGEST $500 Billion Artificial Island in The Middle of The Ocean ▶ >>次へNext
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